"Movement is the key to mental health." Running is one of the best forms of exercise there is and Nashville is one of the best cities in the U.S.A. This podcast includes plenty of stories, training tips and more. Whether you are new to running or have run in multiple marathons this podcast will provide you with entertainment, things to think about or at the very least something to listen to on your run or walk.

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
22. Running the 615 (Bryan White)
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Bryan White is a very successful country music singer / songwriter. Over the past 10 years he has also become a runner and in this episode we talk a lot about both. Bryan has been in the country music industry for almost 30 years and he had tons of success. He was won multiple awards and recorded several number 1 hits. Bryan has great stories in this episode about being a musician, living in Nashville and of course running. Bryan keeps things simple when it comes to running and he like many of us he feels that running has been a huge positive in his life. Stories about running races, performing on stage and what being a performing artist is 2020 has been like are all included in this episode. It was a joy to sit down an interview such a humble, nice and talented guy. Thanks to Bryan for allowing me to interview him for this podcast and thanks to all of you for listening. Happy Holidays everyone. Enjoy.

Saturday Dec 05, 2020
21. Running the 615 (Trent Rosenbloom)
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
If you are a runner in the 615 then there is a good chance you have heard of the Flying Monkey Marathon. It takes place every November here in Nashville and Trent Rosenbloom is the man behind it all. Trent is the creator and race director of the Flying Monkey Marathon and in this episode we talk about everything there is to know about the race. We also talk plenty about Trent's running career, Percy Warner park, having a race during a pandemic, his career as a doctor and of course Music City. Trent was a fabulous guest and has great insight into running and being a race director. This is our first 2 part interview for Running the 615 as in this episode you will hear from Trent a few days before this years Flying Monkey and also a few days after. It was a treat for me to talk such an interesting guy and I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did recording it.

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
20. Running the 615 (Kyle Mcphee)
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Kyle Mcphee has a love for life and those around him that is second to none. Since before I even started this podcast I have been excited to sit down and talk to him and get to know more about his life and where all of his joy comes from. Kyle was born and raised outside of Atlanta and he came to Nashville for college where he ran at Belmont. He decided to stay in the music city after college and this is now home for Kyle, his wife Alicia and their 3 kids. Kyle is owner / operator at Tin Roof 2 in south Nashville and running is still a big part of his life. I can't think of anyone that finds so much happiness in the journey and smiles as much as Kyle does. It was a blast to sit and talk to him and record this interview. You will certainly enjoy it too.

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
19. Running the 615 (Amy Bream)
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
If you are looking for some inspiration then Episode 19 has got you covered. Amy Bream was born in a small town in Pennsylvania and moved here to Nashville after college. Amy was born with a birth defect called PFFD which required her to have her right leg amputated shortly after she was born. Amy did not exercise much growing up however, that all changed after she arrived in Nashville and a friend invited her to a boxing class. Amy is now an ambassador in the Nashville community and she works at that same Title Boxing gym that changed her life. In this episode we talk a lot about Amy's life and where her drive comes from. Amy is honest, strong, funny and very real. It was a joy to sit and talk with her and hear her story.

Sunday Aug 09, 2020
18. Running the 615 (Dave Milner)
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Dave Milner was born and raised in England. Running entered his life at an early age and he has been involved in the sport ever since. Dave moved to the U.S. for college and ran for Belmont University here in Nashville. Dave became a running coach shortly after college and he now spends a large amount of time setting up running for other people. His biggest contribution to the Nashville running community is the Music City Distance Carnival that he started 18 years ago. We talk about the track meet and how it has become a national event. We discuss several other topics as well. Dave is super interesting and his running story is a good one. Check out this episode on your next run and be sure to tune into the MCDC coming up on August 15th on youtube.

Monday Jul 20, 2020
17. Running the 615 (Christy Wright)
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Christy Wright is an author, a speaker and a professional business coach. She is also a mom, a wife and a runner. Christy has a super interesting story about how she got started at Dave Ramsey Solutions and interviewing her was a delight. I have known Christy for over 10 years and it is very inspiring to see and hear about all that she has accomplished and who she has become. In this episode we cover everything … running, family, hope, faith, music and of course Nashville. It's the first Running the 615 episode that was recorded on location and that made it even more fun. The hour will fly by on your next run, walk or drive while you listen to Christy talk and tell her story. It's a great one for sure - Enjoy!

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
16. Running the 615 (Emily Fields & Stephen Love-Wade of 6run5)
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Emily Fields and Stephen Love-Wade are the founders and leaders of the Nashville Running Group 6 run 5. When you have a podcast called Running the 615, interviewing the founders of the group named 6 run 5 is destined to happen. I was so thankful that Emily and Stephen took the time to let me interview them and hear about their story. They are both super fun to talk to and are always smiling. The 6 run 5 running group just celebrated their 1 year anniversary on July 6th and as you will hear they have accomplished quite a bit in their first year. With leaders like Emily and Stephen it is easy to see why 6 run 5 means a so much to so many. I am really glad that I got to finally meet Emily and Stephen so we could record this entertaining episode, it is one you will certainly enjoy.

Monday Jun 01, 2020
15. Running the 615 (Bob Kennedy)
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Bob Kennedy is one of best American distance runners of all time. He has a ton of amazing running highlights and I was very excited to sit down and talk with him about his running and his life. Bob is engaged to Christi Beth who is the owner of Fleet Feet Nashville and was guest number 1 here on Running the 615. Bob is a humble guy and very insightful. He is a true success story and someone that I always enjoy talking to when our paths cross. It's a safe bet to say we will never have a faster runner on this podcast. It was so fun to interview an amazing runner and a great guy.

Wednesday May 20, 2020
14. Running the 615 (Hugh Mundy)
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Hugh Mundy is happy to admit that running is a part of who he is. His running career began early and thanks to some key people in his life it has been a huge success story. Hugh is a great story teller and also has plenty of reflection in this episode. From winning a state title in high school, running for the Irish at Notre Dame in college to returning to running with the East Nasties here in Nashville, Hugh tells the story of his running career from chapter to chapter. I have run thousands of miles with Hugh over the years and he is one of my best friends. It was so fun to sit down an interview one of my favorite people I have ever met.

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
13. Running the 615 (Jim Wyatt)
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Jim Wyatt is a sportswriter and has covered my beloved Tennessee Titans since the team arrived here in Nashville. Jim has lived in Nashville for most of his life and he loves this city with all his heart. Jim became a runner later in his life and has a simplistic love for the sport that is refreshing to hear about. It was exciting and fun to sit down and talk with Jim about Nashville, running and of course a lot about the Tennessee Titans. He is a great story teller and he has a great memory about all of the games he has seen and reported on. It's a great interview and I'm so thankful that Jim took the time to sit down for a chat with me. Enjoy