"Movement is the key to mental health." Running is one of the best forms of exercise there is and Nashville is one of the best cities in the U.S.A. This podcast includes plenty of stories, training tips and more. Whether you are new to running or have run in multiple marathons this podcast will provide you with entertainment, things to think about or at the very least something to listen to on your run or walk.

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
32. Running the 615 - (Des Linden)
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Welcome to Running the 615 Podcast - this is as exciting as it gets, Big news!, Huge news!! Our guest for episode 32 is Boston Marathon Winner Des Linden !!!! That's right the living legend Des Linden came to Nashville a few weeks ago promoting her new book "Choosing to Run" so Fleet Feet Nashville and Brooks hosted an event for her. It was an absolutely perfect day and I am so grateful that we got to record the interview so we can share it with all of you. Fleet Feet Nashville owner and guest #1 on Running the 615 podcast Christi Beth Adams interviewed Des and I threw in a few questions as well. Christi Beth did an amazing job in the interview and it was so entertaining. Des and her agent Josh Cox are as cool as it gets and they helped make the event very special for the 200+ who were in attendance. Des is such a great ambassador for running and for the Brooks Running brand. Having her as a guest on this podcast is such a treat and will remain a highlight for many years to come. Thank you Desi and thanks so much for listening.

Thursday May 18, 2023
31. Running the 615 - (Alan Outlaw)
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
Welcome to Episode 31 - this episode will be known as Running the 423. For the first time in this podcast history this episode was recorded outside of Nashville .. down in Chattanooga. Our guest is Alan Outlaw the owner / operator of Fast Break Athletics. Alan has a great story about becoming the owner at Fast Break and how destiny played a part. We talk about his running journey, what drives him and some of his Chattanooga favorites. We also talk about the upcoming Chattanooga Chase (a 5 mile / 1 mile race) that takes place every year on Memorial Day. It is an amazing race and Alan does a great job as race director making the whole race day experience fun and social. The Chase has been in existence for over 50 years and this year it lands on 05/29/23. I hope to see lots of you out there at the Chase and I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed recording it. Thank you :-)

Thursday Feb 09, 2023
30. Running the 615 - (Carol Rolfes)
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Hey everyone - welcome back to Running the 615 podcast. Our guest today is Carol Rolfes and she is such a wonderful lady. I first met Carol when we worked together at Fleet Feet over 10 years ago and we have been laughing ever since. Carol has a great story about her running, her race walking, her family, her longevity, her favorite things and her keys to staying young. Carol since the first day I met her has always been filled with joy and encouragement .... and this conversation was no different. When I think about all the people I have met since I started working in the running industry 15 years ago I can safely say that Carol is one of my favorites. Thanks Carol for letting me interview you and thanks for all the positives you bring to the world ... and thanks to all of you for listening. Enjoy :-)

Friday Sep 02, 2022
29. Running the 615 - (Graham Stoner)
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Hello and welcome to episode 29. Our guest today is my buddy Graham Stoner... it is no exaggeration to say that they don't make them much cooler than this guy. In this episode we talk about how Graham got started into running, we talk about our early East Nasty days, we talk about a significant knee injury that he had and we talk about his move from Nashville to Colorado over 10 years ago. We discuss other hot topics like mental health, music and what was he thinking when he asked me to officiate he and Emily's wedding. We also discuss things he likes about Colorado and misses about Nashville. Yep we cover a lot in this one and I love listening to Graham's insight and honesty during this interview. Thanks as always for listening ... please enjoy this episode with one of the all time greats.

Thursday Jul 14, 2022
28. Running the 615 (Sarah Shearer)
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Welcome to Running the 615 episode 28 .... Or should I say welcome back. After a brief time away we are back with a new episode for your listening pleasure. Our guest is Sarah Shearer and she has an awesome story about her life, her career, her running journey and a brand new residence for her and her family in Puerto Rico. I have known Sarah for a while now and I was excited to sit down and chat with her. Sarah was born in Pennsylvania, moved to Tennessee, then to Mississippi for college where she met her husband Jon and then back to Tennessee in the 615. She was so entertaining to chat with and very real about things she has been through and how running has been such a big part of her life. Sarah is not only Running the 615's official artist, she has also been super supportive of this podcast and all the episodes that have been released. So head out for a run, or a walk, or a drive and enjoy listening to a fun interview with a super cool lady. Thank you.

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
27. Running the 615 (Kevin and Durham Queen)
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Kevin Queen is the lead pastor at Crosspoint church here in Nashville and he is so enjoyable to listen to on Sundays. Earlier this year during one of Crosspoint's Sunday messages Kevin talked about how he challenged his 2 sons Durham and Bolton to run every day for a year. In today's episode we talk to Kevin and his oldest son Durham about the 1 year challenge and all that it entailed. We also talk about Nashville, how Kevin came to be the pastor at Crosspoint and many other topics. It was so fun to talk to them both and I am very thankful that they came by and let me interview them. It's such a unique and inspiring challenge that Kevin and his wife Rea put out their for their boys and I loved learning more about it. Durham is definitely one of my favorite guest we have had on the podcast so far and his answers were as good as it gets. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed sitting down and chatting with these fantastic guys.

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
26. Running the 615 (Kim Glenn)
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Kim Glenn is one of those people in life that instantly makes you smile every time you see her. She was born on the east coast in Virginia Beach and started running in junior high. In this episode we talk all about her running, her favorite races, her education, and her career. We also talk plenty about back in the day when we were coworkers at Fleet Feet and became friends. Kim like many other guest we have had so far is one of the first names that I wrote down that I hoped to interview before I started this podcast. She is super fun, super personable and super interesting to talk to. The energy that she brings to life, running and those around her is contagious and she is such a joy to know. This interview could have lasted 7 hours because of how much we both like to talk ... but by some miracle we were able to keep it closer to 1. Thanks as always for listening everyone and thanks to Kim for being such a great guest.

Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
25. Running the 615 (Danielle Gilbert - Gilda's club pt 2)
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Welcome to episode 25 and part 2 of our project with Gilda's club. Our Guest today is Danielle Gilbert and it was a joy to sit down and interview her. In this episode we talk about growing up in TX and her move to Nashville. We discuss her running the country music 1/2 marathon in 2006 with her friend Gail who was the lady who started Gilda's gang 15 years ago. We talk about hiking, yoga, philanthropy, and how sacred the gift of life is. Danielle does a lot in her everyday life to give back and help other people and she is a great example to follow. Danielle has some of my favorite answers we have had so far on this podcast. We are both excited for the Gilda's Gang 5k that takes place on Saturday April 3rd in Shelby Park and we hope to see many of you there as well. Thanks to Gilda's for asking me to be a part of this project, Thanks to Laurie and Danielle for letting me interview them and thanks to you for listening to this podcast.

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
24. Running the 615 (Laurie Rice - Gilda's club - pt 1)
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Hello everyone - this is our first episode of a project with Gilda's club here in Nashville. Both this episode and episode 25 feature ladies who are a part of Gilda's club and are promoting their 1st annual 5k race that will take place on Saturday April 3rd here in Nashville. Our guest in this episode is Laurie Rice who is a Rabbi in Nashville and has a fascinating story about her life, career path and love for running. Laurie is such a great ambassador for running and we discuss how she got started in the sport and her involvement with Gilda's club. We also discuss some of her favorite races that she has participated in like the 2020 virtual race where she ran across the state of TN ... and then back ... over the course of 4 months! Yes indeed Laurie is truly a "running Rabbi" and hearing her story will make you appreciate the sport even more. Thanks as always for listening and be sure to check out part 2 .. episode 25 that will be out soon.

Friday Feb 05, 2021
23. Running the 615 (Heidi Huerta)
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Heidi Huerta has lived an interesting life. She was born in Taiwan while her dad was in the military and she moved to the U.S. shortly there after. She grew up in Pensacola, FL and then eventually ended up here in Nashville for her job. Heidi has always been an athlete however running became a part of her life completely by chance. In this episode we talk about her running story, races she has run in and how she has used running as a way to give back. We also discuss her love for yoga, being around people and Rick Springfield. Heidi and I were a couple of the first runners to ever join the East Nasty running group on Wednesday nights over 10 years ago and we have been friends ever since. She is very kind, very giving of herself and very quick to laugh. It was great to interview her and learn more about her life and I'm quite certain you will enjoy her story as well.